Electronic Resources
Audio Book Cloud : A large assortment of streaming audiobooks that are always available. Includes fiction and nonfiction material for both adults and children.
Hoopla: Hoopla is a digital streaming service that allows library members to borrow movies, television shows, documentaries, music, eBooks, comics and audiobooks for free. Titles can be borrowed via a web browser, smartphone, tablet or your smart television.
NoveList K-8 Plus: a database about books specifically for younger readers. It helps kids find books that are just right for their reading level and interests.
Homework Help
Learn at Home (Ministry of Education) High-quality, made-in-Ontario math and literacy resources, created by Ontario-certified educators, in both English and French. Created by the Ontario Ministry of Education
TVO Learn TVO Learn is a free online resource, designed to help you support your child’s learning in Mathematics, Language, Sciences and Technology, Social Studies and more. Get free and instant access to engaging lessons and activities that can supplement learning at school, online, or at home. This resource is curated by TVO’s Ontario-certified teachers to support the Grade 1-12 Ontario curriculum and is approved by the Ontario Ministry of Education.
TVO Mathify TVO Mathify is a free online math tutoring service, available to students enrolled in Ontario’s publicly funded English-language schools. Free 1 on 1, online, Grade 4-12 math tutoring with Ontario Certified Teachers. Build your math skills and confidence with a personalized math coach. Tutors are available online Monday to Friday from 9 am to 9 pm ET, and Saturdays and Sundays from 3 pm to 9 pm ET. Students will need to create a free account to use this service.
TVO mPower TVO mPower is a free online gaming platform, designed to build skills and confidence in STEM subjects for K-6 students. Developed by TVO Kids and Ontario Educators, TVO mPower includes more than 65 online games that bridge math learning from school to home with fun, curriculum-aligned content. Students will need to create a free account to use this resource.
Merriam-Webster : Built-in spell checking functions only do so much for young writers. Dictionary publisher, Merriam Webster, offers dictionary and thesaurus tools to augment student writing.
Enchanted Learning : is perfect for younger students who are looking for dozens of resources ranging from outline drawings and picture dictionaries to animal and planetary information.
Canadian Encyclopedia Online :is the quintessential resource for all things Canadian. Learn about the people, places and events that shap
How stuff works? : explains thousands of topics, from engines to lock-picking to ESP, with video and illustrations so you can learn how everything works.
National Geographic Kids : Play games, watch videos, learn about animals, and places, and get fun facts on the National Geographic Kids website.
TVO Kids : Play free educational games and watch educational programming for preschool and school aged kids 2-11 years old.