Responsibilities of Membership

TPL-CIRC-03_Responsibilities of membership

Responsibilities of Membership

1.0 Responsibilities of Membership


  • must comply with all Library policies
  • must present their Library card or identification each time they borrow materials or use library computers
  • must notify the Library promptly of a change of address or loss of their library card
  • are financially responsible for materials borrowed on their card and for fees assessed in accordance with Library policy.  Unsettled accounts will result in the loss of borrowing and Internet privileges and may be referred to a collection agency.

Parents or guardians who register children under 13 years:

  • by signing the membership form, agree to guide their child’s use of the Library, including use of the Internet and choice of reading, viewing and listening materials
  • are financially responsible for materials borrowed on their child’s card and for fees assessed in accordance with Library policy. Unsettled accounts will result in the child’s loss of borrowing and Internet privileges and parents/guardians may be referred to a collection agency.

2.0 Suspension of borrowing privileges

Borrowing privileges will be suspended when:

  • a lost or damaged item is billed or an account exceeds $5.00

3.0 Other violations

Violations of library policies, including the Library Users’ Code of Conduct or the Internet Use Policy may result in suspension of library privileges, exclusion from the Library, as well as prosecution.